Based on extensive analysis of real SATs and countless hours coaching SAT students, Danny Strauss created a unique SAT SYSTEM, which includes our 7 original workbooks.
The SAT Math sections cover basic high school math. But the test-makers don’t simply test that material: they demand that you make CONNECTIONS between those subjects and understand how they’re interrelated and they challenge you to identify how and when those concepts manifest themselves in REAL-WORLD scenarios. Next, they’ll COMPLICATE basic math (and they’re really good at this!) so that the problems don’t resemble math as it’s presented in school!
Having classified every single SAT math problem in The College Board SAT Guide, I divided the SAT Math into five overall subjects: Heart Of Algebra, Linear Functions, Quadratic Functions, Systems of Equations and Data Analysis. And I’ve written a workbook for each topic, including over 500 samples and practice problems. No other company or tutor is working with these materials and they are not currently for sale to the general public.
Reading Comprehension sections on the SAT requires a different approach than reading as it’s presented in school. In school, each student is encouraged to come up with his or her own answer to a thought-provoking question; on the SAT, all students are challenged to agree on one “best” answer.
Therefore, in addition to testing your ability to understand the logic and structure of what you’ve read, the SAT Reading test measures your ability to analyze the answer choices, noticing subtle differences between them.
Surprise! It’s actually a good test! And getting better at it will improve analytical skills!
The SAT Writing section tests three subjects: Grammar, Punctuation and Rhetorical Skills. Even though these topics are basic, it can still be challenging!
Danny has created two unique workbooks, including the Punctuation & Rhetorical Skills Rulebook and the SAT Grammar Workbook.
Our students are trained to classify each type of question, and to let the answer choices tell them how they need to analyze the text.